
Single bilateral ovarian venous return in uterine transplant: Validation in an orthotopic auto-transplant model in the Yucatan minipig - 20/08/21

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2021.102059 
Ludivine Dion a, b, , Maela Le Lous a, Krystel Nyangoh Timoh a, Jean Levêque a, b, Alexis Arnaud c, d, Charles Henri-Malbert e, Fabrice Foucher a, Karim Boudjema f, Claude Bendavid g, Cécile Vigneau h, Patrick Legembre b, David Val-Laillet d, Vincent Lavoué a, b
a Rennes University Hospital, Department of Gynecology, Hôpital Sud, France 
b INSERM, U1242, COS, Rennes, France 
c Rennes University Hospital, Department of Paediatrics, Hôpital Sud, France 
d INRA, INSERM, Univ Rennes, Nutrition Metabolisms and Cancer (NuMeCan), Rennes, St Gilles, France 
e INRA, US 1395 Ani-Scans, Saint-Gilles, France 
f Rennes University Hospital, Departement of Hepatobile Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Pontchaillou, France 
g Rennes University Hospital, Departement of Biochemistry, Pontchaillou, France 
h Rennes University Hospital, Departement of Nephrology, Pontchaillou, France 

Corresponding author at: Department of Gynecology, Rennes University Hospital, 16 Bd de Bulgarie, 35000, Rennes, France.Department of GynecologyRennes University Hospital16 Bd de BulgarieRennes35000France

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Uterine transplant (UT) represents an opportunity to treat absolute uterine infertility. However, the use of uterine veins for venous return, in addition to ovarian veins, significantly increases the risk of ureteral wounds in the living donor and UT time for the recipient. Our aim was to demonstrate that dual ovarian venous return is sufficient for graft viability and survival.


Uterine orthotopic auto-transplant was performed under general anaesthesia in six Yucatan minipig sows. The uterus graft was implanted with termino-lateral anastomoses between the ovarian and external iliac veins, and between the uterine and external iliac arteries, respectively.


The macroscopic physical aspect of the graft was adequate in 83 % of the sows (5/6) 30 min after reperfusion with a surgical time of 439±54 min (mean anastomosis time: 153±49 min). Two sows died the day after surgery. In the four remaining sows, two uteri were necrotic and two were adequately vascularized on Day 7.


the learning curve was relatively fast, the sole use of bilateral ovarian venous return is possible and might reduce post-surgery morbidity in human living donors as well as UT time for the recipient.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Abbreviations : ATP, AUI, CPK, EIA/V, HES, IIA/V, IM, INRA, IV, MRKH, OV, SC, UT, UA/V, UOV, UR

Keywords : Uterine transplant, Yucatan minipig, Auto-transplant, Absolute uterine infertility


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