
Trachelectomy: How is it actually done? A review from FRANCOGYN group Titre: Trachélectomie: comment faire en pratique ? Revue de la littérature par le groupe FRANCOGYN - 24/08/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.jogoh.2022.102407 
Alice Lefebvre a, b, , Emilie Raimond c, Pauline Chauvet d, Cyril Touboul e, Geoffroy Canlorbe f, Vincent Lavoué g, Lobna Ouldamer h, Pierre Collinet a, b, Sofiane Bendifallah e, Xavier Carcopino i, Lise Lecointre j, Yohan Kerbage a, b
a CHU Lille, Service de chirurgie gynécologique F-59000 Lille, France 
b Univ. Lille, CHU Lille, F-59000 Lille, France 
c Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Alix de Champagne Institute, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, 45 rue Cognacq-Jay, 51092, Reims, France 
d Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, CHU de Clermont Ferrand, France 
e Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Tenon University Hospital, Assistance Publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Faculté de Médecine Sorbonne Université, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie (IUC), France 
f Department of Gynecologic and Breast Surgery and Oncology, Hôpital la Pitié Salpétrière, AP-HP, Paris, France 
g Department of Gynaecology, CHU de Rennes, France. INSERM, 1242, COSS, Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, France 
h Department of Gynaecology. CHRU de Tours. Hôpital Bretonneau. INSERM Unit, 1069, 2 boulevard Tonnellé 37044 Tours, France 
i Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hôpital Nord, APHM, Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Univ Avignon, CNRS, IRD, IMBE UMR 7263, 13397, Marseille, France 
j Department of Gynecologic Surgery, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, IHU Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France 

Corresponding author at: Department of Gynecology, Jeanne de Flandre University Hospital, Lille, France.Department of Gynecology, Jeanne de Flandre University Hospital,LilleFrance


Because of the peak incidence of cervical cancer between the ages of 35 and 44 and the increasing age of first pregnancy, the issue of fertility preservation in cases of early-stage cervical cancer in women in this reproductive age category arises. Early-stage cervical cancer patients have a good prognosis and are surgically treated in cases of mildly aggressive human papillomavirus-related histological type (squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma), FIGO stage IA to IB1 (i.e., <2 cm), with shallow stromal invasion (<10 mm) and without the presence of lymph-vascular space invasion or lymph node or regional involvement. Under these conditions, conservative treatment by trachelectomy, which has recurrence-free and overall survival rates equivalent to that of hysterectomy, may be considered. After a complete pre-therapeutic assessment, including pelvic lymphadenectomy, to eliminate all contraindications to conservative treatment, a simple or enlarged trachelectomy can be chosen. According to some authors, the route of entry (vaginal, simple or robot-assisted laparoscopy, laparotomy) has no significant effect on survival or fertility, although the literature on the subject is limited. Trachelectomy offers good results in terms of fertility, with an estimated pregnancy rate of between 23% and 55% and a live birth rate of 70%. The significant reduction of the cervix associated with the procedure increases the risk of prematurity. However, this can be prevented by the use of a permanent cerclage. Close follow-up of these patients is essential for a minimum period of 5 years in order to detect any recurrence or postoperative complications.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Cervical cancer, Trachelectomy, Fertility, Cerclage


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Vol 51 - N° 7

Article 102407- septembre 2022 Retour au numéro
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