
Hyrax versus Leaf expander in growing patients, what about adverse dental effects? A retrospective study - 28/09/22

Doi : 10.1016/j.ortho.2022.100684 
Sacha Benhamour 1, Damien Brezulier 1, 2,
1 Pôle odontologie, CHU Rennes, 2, rue Henri Le Guilloux, 35000 Rennes, France 
2 ISCR, CNRS–UMR 6226, université de Rennes, 2, avenue Léon Bernard, bâtiment 15, 35043 Rennes, France 

Damien Brezulier, Campus Santé, Bat 15, UFR odontologie, 2, avenue du Pr Léon Bernard, 35043 Rennes cedex, France.Campus Santé, Bat 15, UFR odontologie2, avenue du Pr Léon BernardRennes cedex35043France
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Transverse discrepancy is a Common problem in young patients. Many devices are employed to expand the palatal dimension, with different characteristics and biomechanical aspects. The Leaf expander, a new-born appliance containing nickel-titanium springs, free from activation by parents. We compared the maxillary and mandibular dental effects of Leaf expander to conventional Hyrax in growing patients.


All patients who met the eligibility criteria between the period from January 2017 to December 2019 were included. The patients had transverse inter-arch discrepancy of at least 5mm and were treated with Hyrax expander (HEX) or Leaf expander (LEX). All patients had complete follow-up of expansion by remote monitoring. An algorithm established distances between the teeth. It was also used to measure the change in dental axes.


In the maxilla, LEX caused more tipping on the canines and premolars but significantly less on the molars compared to HEX: −0.154̊ vs. 3.05̊ (P<0.001). In the mandible, LEX caused a greater increase in arch widths and tipping (P<0.02) in the molars and second premolars, but not in the other teeth. No correlation was demonstrated between mandibular dental movements and increased maxillary arch widths. Alternatively, for the two devices, expansion and tipping were correlated within each dental arch (r>0.4).


The LEX produced more tooth movement on average than the HEX, except for the maxillary first molars. Several correlations exist between the movements within each arch for the two devices, most often between tipping and expansion.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Functional, Digital models, Palatal expansion techniques, Hyrax, Leaf expander


© 2022  CEO. Publié par Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés.
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