
Groundbreaking outpatient activity in medical entomology in France: An eight-year experience in a french university hospital - 15/10/23

Doi : 10.1016/j.idnow.2023.104728 
Jacques Sevestre a, , Pierre Marty a, b, Thomas Hubiche c, Christelle Pomares a, b, Pascal Delaunay a
a Service de Parasitologie-Mycologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France 
b C3M, INSERM 1065, Université de la Côte d’Azur, Nice, France 
c Service de Dermatologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice, Nice, France 

Corresponding author at: Service de Parasitologie, Hôpital l'Archet 2, 151 route de Saint-Antoine, 06200 Nice, France.Service de ParasitologieHôpital l'Archet 2151 route de Saint-Antoine06200 NiceFrance


No reports on patient management in medical entomology had previously been published in France.
Clinicians and healthcare professionals are often poorly trained in medical entomology.
Knowledge of arthropod biology in a medical setting allows proper management of arthropod infestation.
Medical Entomology units should be developed in university hospitals throughout France.

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Arthropods are known to impair human health in various manners, acting as infectious disease vectors, or as simple nuisances. Even though considerable research is being produced in medical entomology, no reports on patient management in clinical entomology units are available in the literature.

Patients and Methods

We retrospectively surveyed all the records from patients having consulted in our outpatient clinical entomology unit in Nice University Hospital from 2012 to 2020. For each patient, physical examination findings and treatment data were analyzed.


A total of 518 patients were analyzed in this study. Most were diagnosed with arthropod infestation (55.8%), the most common being Sarcoptes scabiei (35%), bedbugs (23%), Pyemotes dermatitis (17.6%) and flea infestation (15.9%). Along with symptomatic treatments, targeted environmental measures could be proposed for infested patients. For many of our patients, on the other hand, active infestation was ruled out.


Given today’s lack of expertise in medical entomology, we advocate for the creation of medical entomology units in university hospitals, not only allowing fair and proportionate multidisciplinary management of patients in whom arthropod infestation is suspected, but also generating cost savings.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.

Keywords : Medical entomology, Clinical entomology, Arthropods, Mites, Bedbugs


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Vol 53 - N° 7

Article 104728- octobre 2023 Retour au numéro
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