
Two-thumb–encircling hands technique is more advisable than 2-finger technique when lone rescuer performs cardiopulmonary resuscitation on infant manikin - 21/04/15

Doi : 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.01.025 
Jie Jiang, MD a, 1, Yaru Zou, MD a, 1, Wen Shi, MD a, Ying Zhu, MD a, Ranjun Tao, MD a, Ying Jiang, MD b, Yiming Lu, MD, PhD a, , 2, Jianjing Tong, MD a, , 2
a Emergency Department, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical School, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China 
b Ruijin Clinical Medical College, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical School, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China 

Corresponding authors. Emergency Department, Ruijin Hospital, affiliated to The Shanghai Jiao Tong University Medical School, no. 197, Rui Jin Er Road, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, 200025.



The 2010 guidelines recommend new requirements of the chest compression depth for infant. The compression technique recommendation for infant remains the 2-finger (TF) technique for lone rescuer and the 2-thumb–encircling hands technique for 2 rescuers. We hypothesized that the TF technique cannot result in an enough compression depth to meet the guideline requirements and that the 2-thumb–encircling hands technique will not affect the ventilation.


Crossover experimental study randomizes 27 health care providers to perform 2 sets of 5-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a 30:2 compression/ventilation ratio to compare TF and 2-thumb–encircling hands techniques. A Laerdal Resusci Baby QCPR manikin equipped with PC SkillReporting System was used for measuring and recording cardiopulmonary resuscitation data. Data (mean ± SD) were analyzed by using a paired t test. Significance was defined qualitatively as P ≤ .05.


Mean compression depths were 39.25 ± 3.06 cm in the TF technique and 42.37 ± 1.15 cm in the 2-thumb–encircling hands technique, P < .001. Two-finger technique had significant lower fractions of correct hand position than 2-thumb–encircling hands technique (96.56% ± 6.74% vs 99.41% ± 2.52%, P < .05). The fatigue point appears much earlier in TF than in 2-thumb–encircling hands. No difference was identified on ventilation between 2 groups.


The 2-thumb–encircling hands technique can produce a compression depth meeting the current guidelines recommendation without negative influence on ventilation, whereas the TF technique cannot. The 2-thumb–encircling hands technique generates a significant higher ratio of correct compression position than the TF technique. Furthermore, the 2-thumb–encircling hands technique is less fatiguing than the TF technique.

Le texte complet de cet article est disponible en PDF.


 Equipments: Resusci Baby QCPR manikin (Laerdal, Stavanger, Norway).
☆☆ Grants: Shanghai Science and Technology Committee (no. 11ZR1422100).

© 2015  Elsevier Inc. Tous droits réservés.
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Vol 33 - N° 4

P. 531-534 - avril 2015 Retour au numéro
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