
Teaching pharmacovigilance to French medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic: Interest of distance learning clinical reasoning sessions - 24/01/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.therap.2023.12.003 
François Montastruc a, , Fabrice Muscari b, c, Ivan Tack b, d, Justine Benevent a, Margaux Lafaurie a, Claire de Canecaude a, Haleh Bagheri a, Fabien Despas a, Christine Damase-Michel a, Geneviève Durrieu a, Agnès Sommet a
a Department of Medical and Clinical Pharmacology, Centre of PharmacoVigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology, Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), Faculty of Medicine, 31000 Toulouse, France 
b Department of Health Education, Toulouse University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, 31000 Toulouse, France 
c Department of Digestive Surgery, Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), Faculty of Medicine, 31000 Toulouse, France 
d Physiological Functional Investigations, Toulouse University Hospital (CHU), Faculty of Medicine, 31000 Toulouse, France 

Corresponding author at: Department of Medical and Clinical Pharmacology, Toulouse University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, 37, Allées Jules Guesde, 31000 Toulouse, France.Department of Medical and Clinical Pharmacology, Toulouse University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine37, Allées Jules GuesdeToulouse31000France

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Considering data from the literature in favor of active educational intervention to teach pharmacovigilance, we describe an innovative model of distance learning clinical reasoning sessions (CRS) of pharmacovigilance with 3rd year medical French students.


The three main objectives were to identify the elements necessary for the diagnosis of an adverse drug reaction, report an adverse drug reaction and perform drug causality assessment. The training was organized in 3 stages. First, students practiced clinical reasoning (CRS) by conducting fictive pharmacovigilance telehealth consultations. Second, students wrote a medical letter summarizing the telehealth consultation and analyzing the drug causality assessment. This letter was sent to the teacher for a graded evaluation. In the third stage was a debriefing course with all the students.


Of the 293 third-year medical students enrolled in this course, 274 participated in the distance learning CRS. The evaluation received feedback from 195 students, with an average score of 8.85 out of 10. The qualitative evaluation had only positive feedback. The students appreciated the different format of the teaching, with the possibility to be active.


Through distance CRS of pharmacovigilance, medical students’ competences to identify and report adverse drug reactions were tested. The students experienced the pharmacovigilance skills necessary to detect adverse drug reactions in a manner directly relevant to patient care. The overall evaluation of the students is in favor of this type of method.

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Keywords : Pharmacovigilance, Clinical pharmacology, Education, Telehealth consultation, Clinical reasoning sessions


© 2024  Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique. Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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