
Methimazole-induced urticaria in hyperthyroid patients: A safe re-administration protocol - 25/02/24

Doi : 10.1016/j.therap.2023.12.006 
Ferdaous Chahed , Nadia Ben Fredj, Haifa Ben Romdhane, Zohra Chadli, Amel Chaabane, Najah Ben Fadhel, Karim Aouam
 Department of Clinical Pharmacology, University Hospital/Faculty of Medicine of Monastir, University of Monastir, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia 

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In corso di stampa. Prove corrette dall'autore. Disponibile online dal Sunday 25 February 2024



The safety profile of methimazole (MMI) seems to be better than propylthiouracil in the management of hyperthyroidism. It is therefore advisable to use IMM as the first choice in Graves’ patients. It is important to keep this drug in patients regardless of minor side effects. We report a case series of MMI-induced urticaria and provide a stepwise protocol for the safe re-administration of MMI.


It was a retrospective case series including all patients having manifested urticaria following MMI intake for hyperthyroidism; notified to the Pharmacovigilance Unit of the Clinical Pharmacology Department (March 2013–January 2022).


We have included 11 patients (SR: 0.22). The median time interval between the start of MMI and the onset of urticaria averaged 14.5 days. The median daily dose of MMI was 40mg. MMI was interrupted in all patients. Urticaria has progressively resolved after drug interruption and antihistamine intake. Reintroduction of MMI was performed in 10/11 patients as follows: one quarter of the daily dose on the first day, half of the daily dose on the 4th day, the three quarters of the daily dose on the 7th day, to reach the scheduled total dose on the 10th day. Cetirizine was added at the time of reintroduction and withdrawn 2 weeks later. All the patients were successfully controlled.


Given the importance of this drug in the management of hyperthyroidism, MMI should not be withdrawn in cases of urticaria. After the resolution of urticaria, a gradual reintroduction of MMI should be attempted with concomitant antihistamine therapy.

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Keywords : Hyperthyroidism, Methimazole, Urticaria, Reintroduction, Antihistamine therapy


© 2024  Société française de pharmacologie et de thérapeutique. Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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