
Étude comparative des profils motivationnels d’adolescents scolarisés en lycée d’enseignement général, technologique et professionnel - 29/08/14

Doi : 10.1016/j.psfr.2013.11.005 
C. Brasselet a, , b, 1 , A. Guerrien a, b, 2
a Université Lille Nord de France, 59000, France 
b UDL3, PSITEC EA 4072, 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France 

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Cette recherche, s’inscrivant dans la perspective de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Deci et Ryan, 2002), porte sur la motivation scolaire d’adolescents suivant un enseignement secondaire général, technologique et professionnel. Une analyse en cluster a permis d’identifier trois profils motivationnels chez 947 lycéens : les deux premiers combinent des niveaux équivalents de motivation autodéterminée et de motivation contrôlée avec des scores élevés (profil élevé) ou modérés (profil modéré) et un troisième profil se caractérise par une motivation contrôlée modérée et une amotivation élevée (profil contrôlé). De plus, un effet de la filière sur la motivation scolaire des adolescents a été mis en évidence. Les élèves de la filière technologique sont davantage représentés dans le profil motivationnel contrôlé que leurs camarades des filières générale et professionnelle, ces dernières étant associées respectivement au profil modéré et au profil élevé. Ces résultats sont discutés en référence à la théorie de l’autodétermination.

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The present research investigated motivational profiles of high school students following general, technological or vocational education. The French educational system is defined by an implicit hierarchy: the general education is considered as the most prestigious one, while specific education such as technological or vocational education is perceived as more appropriated for students with learning difficulties. Those representations could induce differences in academic engagements’ reasons. Nine hundred and forty-seven French students (552 following general, 222 following technological and 173 vocational education) completed the French version of the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand et al., 1989). The AMS assesses various types of motivation defined by self-determination theory (Deci et Ryan, 2002). Cluster analysis revealed three distinctive motivational profiles present in all three types of education. In the first cluster, students’ scores were moderate in autonomous and controlled motivation and low in amotivation (moderate autonomous – controlled profile). The second cluster was characterized by high levels of autonomous and controlled motivation and a low amotivation (high autonomous – controlled profile). Finally, the third cluster was defined by a low autonomous motivation, a moderate controlled motivation and high level of amotivation (controlled profile). In addition, we found an impact of secondary education's type on academic motivation. Technological education was associated with the controlled profile, whereas adolescents involved in vocational education were more numerous in the high autonomous-controlled profile. Students following the general education were over-represented in moderate autonomous-controlled profile. The results presented above might be of a great interest to career counseling professionals and professors, especially if discussed in line with self-determination theory, in terms of motivational remediation.

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Mots clés : Motivation scolaire, Théorie de l’autodétermination, Organisation du système scolaire, Orientation scolaire et professionnelle

Keywords : Academic motivation, Self-determination theory, Organization of the education system, School and vocational guidance


© 2013  Société française de psychologie. Pubblicato da Elsevier Masson SAS. Tutti i diritti riservati.
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Vol 59 - N° 3

P. 199-214 - Settembre 2014 Ritorno al numero
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